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God created the Earth in seven literal days and the Genesis account is 100% accurate with no room for error.
Women should suffer in childbirth and not be allowed pain-killing drugs.
God would destroy the Earth because He is angry with it.
A 90 year old woman can get pregnant.
Homosexuality is morally wrong and deserving of death.
People shouldn't have tattoos.
Everyone should stay away from psychics, astrologers, and mystics.
Handicapped people should be banned from entering a church.
Unicorns exist.
It is solely up to God whether someone is rich or poor.
I wear clothes that are 100% material and not mixed (i.e. shirts that are 50% polyester, 50% cotton).
If a man marries a woman who is not a virgin, and he ends up hating her, he should have a right to gather his neighborhood together and stone her to death.
If a man rapes a virgin woman who is not engaged, he should pay her father some money and be forced to marry her.
Does God hate it when we tolerate other people's religions?
Should non-believers be put to death?
There is no such thing as a good atheist. All atheists are evil.
Are earthquakes caused by God?
Poor homeless people deserve to starve to death because they don't trust in God.
Does God laugh and get amusement about sending people to Hell?
Some people are just born evil.
Tithing to your church will make you rich.
If you put your trust in the Lord, he will make you fat.
The Sun revolves around the Earth.
If a person doesn't believe in Christ, they can't go to Heaven.
Jesus came not to send peace, but a sword.
People should love Jesus even more than their own family members.
Jesus considers the pope to be Satan.
Castrating yourself for God is a good way to get into Heaven.
Do not let unbelievers into your house.
Christians should not have any friends or associates who are non-Christian.
Witches and pagans should be executed.
We as Christians should judge people.
Christians can judge everything we want to, and no unsaved person can judge us for that.
Science is wicked and should be avoided.
Cross-dressing is an abomination before God.
Do not let unbelievers into your house.
Women need to shut up and not speak in church.
Women should not have any authority over a man and have no power to teach them.
Women that wear braided hair, gold, or expensive jewelry are harlots. No Christian woman should dress like that.
Wives need to obey whatever their husband tells them.
We should follow secular law.
We Christians cannot sin.
Catholics are not Christians.
We need to follow all of the Bible, not just parts of it.
If you break a single one of God's commandments, you will go to Hell.
Negroes are made by God to be our servants.
People should tithe generously to their church even if they are dirt poor and struggling to make ends meet.
God creates both good and evil.
God purposefully makes people be born retarded, handicapped, blind, deaf, etc.
When Jesus saidJudge not, that ye be not judged.he wasn't telling us not to judge others at all, but just warning us not to judge hypocritically.
This microsite will tell you if you are going to heaven or hell based on what the Christian bible tells us.
The purpose is to show how irrelevant ancient religions are to modern society.
This was developed by Ben Blain (idea by Papysh). It is based off a quiz found on a Christian forum. All credit goes to the original author of the questions.